Worth The Drive 9/18/19 (Happy 918 Day!)

Worth The Drive 9/18/19 (Happy 918 Day!)



Movie in the Park: Aladdin at Guthrie Green 8pm-10pm 


Medicine Stone 2019 at Diamondhead Resort in Tahlequah (Through Saturday) Medicine Stone 2019 Coming September 19th-21st on the amazing Illinois River in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

Three days of music, camping, family & friends!

Jason Boland & The Stragglers
Robert Earl Keen
Parker McCollum AND MANY MORE! 



Nitro Nationals at Tulsa Raceway Park 12pm-11:30pm, (Saturday Noon to 11:30pm) 


Ghosts, Girls & Gunslingers Evening Walking Tour with Tulsa Spirit Tours 7pm-8:30pm



Monarchs on the Mountain - Migration Celebration at Turkey Mountain 10am-2pm



LOTR (Lord Of The Rings) Trivia hosted by U.S. Rep. John Waldron at Kiss My Ale Pub 6:30pm-8:30pm, Celebrate Bilbo Baggins' Birthday with LOTR Trivia! John Waldron is writing and presenting all the questions himself for this exciting event! So come play for a chance to win a KMA gift card, and meet John himself!


Submit you events for consideration, just send me an email drew.mckenna@griffin.news